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Spring City Cycling Club
Springcity Cycling Club


Tour d'Arsenal - May 19
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Join the 2015 Directors Tour d’Arsenal – May 19:

For the 14th year, the DTdA will roll out after work, May 19th, on a beautiful Spring Tuesday to take a tour of the Redstone Arsenal. This self-paced bicycle ride, hosted by the MARS Team Redstone Alliance for Cycling (MTRAC), features a ride through MSFC’s and the Army’s Test areas. It’s the only time the road is open to cross TA1 on Dodd Rd and ride a loop around the southern part of RSA, following the old WWII rail line. Get your tires pumped up, and remember to bring the required gear: your bike, helmet and a bright reflective vest or bandolier belt to wear for the DTdA. The ride should be finished well before sunset, but bicycling lighting is also recommended for evening riding. This is a free ride. You must have a federal ID or visitor's pass to enter the Arsenal for this event.

The ride starts at 5:00 PM at building 4316, the MSFC Activity Building. Arrive early to sign waiver. Remember, Safety first and please dress for maximum visibility at all times while cycling on RSA and all roads in the Tennessee Valley.

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